Now that the weather is finally getting warmer, Peyton wants to make sure your A/C is up to par. Although Peyton personally prefers to cool down by hanging her head out of the car window, she understands that most humans don’t share this enthusiasm. She’s offering an A/C Evacuation and Recharge for just $79.95 through the month of May. For the above listed price, receive up to 2lbs of refrigerant at Tommy’s – the standard amount for most vehicles.
If your air conditioner is blowing hot air or your defroster just isn’t defrosting, a low level of refrigerant might be the culprit. It could also cause you to waste gas when cooling the car. Bring your vehicle in for an evacuation and recharge to ensure you’re operating on the optimum amount of refrigerant. Take advantage of this special now, before the weather gets even hotter!
Give us a call at (610) 696-2633 to schedule an appointment, and be sure to mention Peyton’s special!