Most haven’t been using their car as much due to COVID-19, making this the best time to get your car serviced. Cars that have been sitting for some time may experience problems starting, with the tires, fluids, and more. We will ensure your car is in safe conditions for any of your commutes with our preventative maintenance.
We’ve been keeping busy the past few months at Tommy’s Automotive.
Head Gasket Repair
We recently had a 6.0 L Diesel Ford Truck come into our shop that needed a new head gasket. We tackled this project by lifting up only half of the truck. This allowed for easy access to the head gasket, making this a speedy job.
Maintenance on Red Dodge Charger
We were excited to have this red Dodge Charger come into our shop! When we were finished with this speed bullet, it ran as good as new.

Auto Maintenance & Repair Services
Preventative maintenance can help prevent any costly repairs down the road. If you’re interested in scheduling a maintenance check for your car, contact us today!